Welcome to deep life transformation.

The Mission:

More people experiencing deeper life.

By walking in physical, spiritual & mental health.

Through intentional training and habit formation.

I help busy professionals get lean and level-up their energy for their life mission -

with a system that works for their unique lifestyle, not against it. 

Through health coaching built on…

  • that is evidence-based and custom tailored to your body and lifestyle for maximum impact; without a ridiculous time commitment.

  • to stop guessing and start fuelling your body with everything it needs to burn fat, build lean muscle, and perform with energy; without giving up every food you love, weighing food, or counting calories.

  • strategically implemented to supercharge your recovery, improve your mental health and performance, grow your resilience, and allow you to achieve more of what matters, without burning out.

Getting healthy needs to serve and enrich your life, not make it more stressful.

No more gimmicks, insane dieting or unhealthy obsessing. No more jumping on and off the wagon. Getting healthy can be simple.

Time to craft a sustainable lifestyle that you love; that gets you and keeps you in the best shape of your life.

hey, i’m Sam.

I live in White Rock, BC, Canada. I’m a husband, dog-dad, former Canada USports soccer player, current lover of angsty punk-rock, and lifetime fitness nerd. I’ve been an athlete since age 4. I picked up some dusty old dumbbells at age 12, developed a passion for all things health and human performance, and never looked back.

I’m a certified Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Sleep, Stress Management & Recovery Coach. I’ve got a bachelor’s degree in human kinetics (B.HK) and over a decade of experience helping people of different walks of life - from business execs, to varsity athletes, to church leaders, to new parents and weekend warriors - cut through the noise in the fitness world and make simple yet powerful changes to drastically improve their lives. I also hold a master of divinity degree (M.Div) and 7 years’ experience working in spiritual formation as a chaplain and pastor. If that sounds weird to you…I do my best to help point people toward God and live life with Him and for Him in service to the world rather than the self. Because I believe that’s where real life begins. I help people take next steps of spiritual growth and live in alignment with their deepest values in the raw messiness of real life. 

It is my conviction that every one of us was made to experience life to the fullest, and to uniquely impact this world with what we’ve been given. I believe that happens when we’re physically, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy and whole. That’s why I’ve devoted my life to helping people find and walk in that wholeness.  

The point is this: it is not only my unique training and expertise, but my passion to walk with you and guide you in training to live at your absolute best - so you can give your absolute best to the people you love, the world you’re placed in, and the mission you’re called to.

Whatever that looks like for you. 

Why take your fitness seriously?

Stewardship: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.

You get one life on this planet. It is up to you to make it count. That means maximising your gifts, and both the quantity and quality of your time. It means showing up physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy for yourself, your loved ones, and your life’s mission.

Essentially every key marker of your physical, mental, and emotional health is dramatically enhanced with consistent, quality exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

No part of your life - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or relational - goes unaffected by your physical health. We were designed to move, to eat well, and to balance work with rest. Getting all three of these dialled-in WILL change your life.

It’s about being at your best, so you can GIVE your best to what matters most.

Let’s get real…

The unfit version of you: doesn’t feel right. You’re physically and mentally sluggish. You’re complacent, tired, distracted, stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and emotionally on-edge. You’re not content with how you look or feel. You’re not showing up or performing at your best in any arena of life. You know you’re not getting the most out of the one body and mind you’ve been given. And you know you’re not giving your best to the people or the mission that have been entrusted to you.

The fitter version of you: is confident and resilient. Lean and athletic. You’re energetic, laser-focused, present, and passionate; A more loving person, a more kind and patient spouse, a more engaged parent; more creative, innovative and productive in your craft; a more joyful and more fulfilled person. Truer to the person you were created to be. Wherever you are in your journey right now…


You can start the transformation process right now.

But you need to stop putting it off, stop making excuses, stop wasting time, stop thinking about it and talking about it.

You just need to start.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there” - James Clear

Why work with a coach?

You have important goals and great intentions. You’ll never reach them without clear steps. Where you are now is no accident. Whether you’ve thought about it or not, you already have a system, and it is perfectly designed to get you the exact results you’re currently getting. If you want to change, you need a new system. A reliable one. You need real strategies, skills, and directives that you trust and that work for your life.


High performers in every field utilise coaches to craft the right roadmap to their goals based on their unique individuality, to ensure that they keep moving in the right direction, and to keep them on the right path with expert guidance, accountability, and motivation. 

I specialise in understanding you, meeting you where you currently are, learning where you want to be, and helping you implement the most impactful and sustainable plan to bridge that gap. I don’t want you to waste your time and resources floundering with methods that don’t work. With some coaching, you can stop guessing and get out of the perpetual “motivated—>overwhelmed—> crash & burn” cycle. You can start to move with intention and confidence to build the everyday healthy skills you need to start showing up for life as the best version of you. 

Let’s connect!

Reach out, and if I think I can help you, we’ll jump on a call. If not, I’ll point you in the right direction