My Fitness philosophy

I love people. Which is why I love fitness. I want to see you flourish in whatever it is that you were put here to do. My process involves getting to know you, your deep “why”, what you love and what you most want out of life. Because then I can set a roadmap for how to help you align your health, fitness and lifestyle habits with that deep “why”.

I don’t do diets and overly-aggressive, unrealistic, unsustainable crash programs. Because no one wants to live that way, and they don’t ultimately work. They can bring a fast result but without developing a real foundation or deep, real life change… so they almost inevitably lead to future failure. I help people build a way of life that they can happily sustain over time, that leads them into a life of flourishing. That happens one day, one step, one small decision at a time. Progress over perfection. We’re all in-process, and that’s awesome. It’s okay to not be okay. But we’re not meant to stay there.

I believe we are all created with a longing for the deepest and fullest experience of this life possible. This goes deeper than just looking amazing (yes, I’ll still help you look amazing) - In part, it means living at your best so you can do what you were put on this planet to do, to the absolute fullest. It means getting the most out of this life by becoming who you were made to be, maximising your potential, and by giving your best self away in service to the world. This requires living with a healthy body, mind, and soul. We can’t live and perform at our best as long as we care about one area of wellbeing to the neglect of the others. It matters how you move and use your body. It also matters how you fuel your body, what you do with your thoughts, how you sleep, how you manage the stress in your life, how you use your time, and what you most deeply believe. All of these work together in synergy to affect your body composition, mental health, energy, mental clarity, mood, hormones, metabolism, and overall sense of peace and wellbeing. A truly healthy person is one with a fit body, fit mind, and fit soul. Success for me means nothing less than seeing you flourish as a whole person.

I believe your time is the most precious resource you have. I want to help you win back not just the quantity of time you have with the people and things you love, but the quality. I want to help you leave complacency and mediocrity behind, and start walking in the deep and full experience of life you were made for.

I’d love to connect with you and hear your story.

If there’s any way I can help you, I’m always keen for a chat - please reach out!