Group coaching seminars

Coaching seminars include:

  • 4 Group coaching sessions delivering evidence based, practical education on the foundations of: 

    -Exercise, nutrition, and sleep & stress management for fat loss, lean muscle gain, mental health, cognitive performance, and longevity. 

  • Live Q&A to address your team’s real life struggles and questions.

  • An immediately-actionable, battle plan for each attendee including: 

-12-week training program for energy, performance, and a lean physique - efficiently.

-”Eat for Your Goals” - comprehensive, actionable nutrition guide. 

-”Master My Recovery” - Step by step system for better sleep & resilience.

  • *Offered in one full-day seminar or across 4 weekly sessions.

Your organisation’s mission matters

You want sustainable long-term impact.

Unfortunately, stress, depression and anxiety are at all time highs right now, while resilience and feelings of contentment with work-life balance are at all time lows. We’re seeing burnout, personal/moral failures, quitting, and extended health leave take more and more people out of the game.

One of the best investments you can possibly make in yourself and your team is to take care of your health and fitness. Top performers in their craft who last, invest in taking care of themselves. Plain and simple.

A healthy team is a happy, energetic, and effective team.

Some fun facts…

Exercise, sleep, and proper nutrition… regulate blood pressure; drastically increase immune function to fight common illness and long-term disease; regulate metabolic function controlling inflammation, blood sugar and sustained energy levels; and regulate key hormones testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, and cortisol which control wakefulness, energy, tissue repair, drive, and motivation.

Exercise, sleep, and proper nutrition… trigger the release of neurochemicals which literally grow new brain cells in the prefrontal cortex for attention, focus, task-switching, and reaction time; increase brain’s ability to adapt and reorganise itself in response to stimuli; facilitate learning of new skills; prime the brain to soak up and imprint information into memory, shift it from short-term to long-term memory, and recall it accurately; drastically boost the integration of information with other memories in associative networks for creative problem solving and innovative task solutions; powerfully fight Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive degeneration.

Exercise, sleep, and proper nutrition…decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility; increase ability to regulate emotions; help heal emotional wounding, reboot mood states; improve general outlook on life; and increase overall sense of personal wellbeing and contentment with life and work.

Think about how individuals functioning from a place of deep health will supercharge team cohesion, resilience, efficiency, overall impact…and will ultimately push the mission forward SUSTAINABLY.